Today, inspired by Christine's avatar image on her blog, I challenged B to a little game--we would each create avatars for ourselves and for each other, and then compare the results. Here's what we did. What do you think--whose is a better representation?

Here is B's representation of himself.

And here's my representation of B.

Here's B's representation of me.

And my own representation of myself.
Wanna give it a try? Go to
Face Your Manga.
B has a much edgier take on your life. Like you're fighting crime, or perhaps criminals yourselves. You've decided you live in a romantic comedy.
I'd, of course, rather see B's movie. *grin*
Haha...I like the idea of living in a romantic comedy. Bring on the soft lighting, fuzzy focus, and musical montages!
I think your version of Ben looks more like him than his own. Your version of yourself and Ben's version of you are pretty close. I think you're somewhere in the middle!
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