Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Life list recap: How I've done in 2008

Last year for New Year's Eve, B and I created life lists. Life lists mean many things to different people, but for me, it was an opportunity to create a list of tasks and experiences that I'd like to accomplish over my lifetime. Some of the items would fit better on a list of new year's resolutions, and some are one-time-only experiences. Here is a selection of goals from my list and an update on my progress.

1. Train for vacations for a month.
I know, I know--training for vacations? Silly, perhaps, but worthwhile when you don't wake up in pain after walking for miles and miles the previous day. We did great for Italy and ok for Germany (it's tough going for long walks in the cold). Spain will be a challenge, since we'll leave while it's still cold. I'll do my best.

2. Walk once/week in the summer.
Success! Having a fall vacation is excellent inspiration.

3. At least try going to the gym at work.
Sometimes the key to success is setting the bar low. I tried going to the gym and even went back a couple times. Perhaps the new year will bring increased motivation to "at least try it" a little more.

Money and wealth
1. Develop and stick to a savings plan.
Success! This year, we fully funded our emergency fund. Rather than save for our next house while savings rates are so low, we've developed a plan to pay off our second mortgage early.

2. Save for our next house (~10%).
This savings goal was more attainable before real estate lost so much of its value. I had actually hoped that we'd be able to save 20% (either in equity or in capital), but barring a windfall, we'll likely have to settle for 10%, or a smaller future house. (McMansions are overrated, anyway--and why give up our deliciously cheap heating bills? We might just stay here forever.)

3. Stop being scared of taxes and filing.
I forced myself to file our taxes last year, and I'm not scared of them anymore. I'm far from being a tax expert, but I understand our (admittedly straightforward) situation well enough.

School and education
1. Learn conversation skills for countries to which I travel.
Check! I know little bits of French, Spanish, Italian, and Spanish--not enough to carry on a conversation, of course, but enough to not be totally offensive to shopkeepers and waiters. And we have language CDs and mini dictionaries in case we ever go back and need to refresh.

2. Take art classes - paint a painting.
I have made no progress on this goal. Perhaps I will investigate nearby art classes for 2009.

Family and home
1. Hang more art on our walls.
We're doing great in this area! We've framed prints that we bought in Italy and France, and we've also bought frames for photos that we took in Europe. Plus there's the cuckoo clock coming in the mail...

1. Life in another country for at least a month.
Technically, I have already accomplished this goal (in college, England for a summer), but I would love to do it again. Traveling for such a long time is difficult with limited vacation time, but I'm keeping the item on the list anyway.

2. Experience 24-hour daylight.
There aren't too many places where I can achieve this goal--you have to be awfully close to the Arctic Circle right around June 21. Perhaps if the Icelandic economy is still having difficulties in June, we can consider a trip.

Creativity and self expression
1. Write a novel or memoir.
I'm not sure if I have the writing skills to craft a compelling novel (or an interesting-enough life to craft a compelling memoir), but perhaps my expectations are too high--even writing a bad novel or memoir would still satisfy this goal. Every November I contemplate participating in NaNoWriMo, and every November, I decide, maybe next year. Maybe 2009 (and the landmark birthday that it will bring in November) will be the magical year.

2. Buy only clothing that I love.
Yes! I love this goal, and I love what it has done to my wardrobe. Since March or April, B and I have given ourselves allowances to spend on whatever we want, and mine almost always goes toward clothing. The allowances aren't high, but even buying one or two new pieces each month can significantly improve your wardrobe and allow you to finally donate those pieces that you really don't like. Looking into your closet and seeing only pieces that you love is an amazing feeling. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting close, and it's fantastic.

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