First up: New England's favorite fast-food transplant, Dunkin' Coffee, known in circles on this side of the pond as Dunkin' Donuts. While you might see some familiar items on the menu, expect to pay a premium for your European donuts, to the tune of $14/dozen. We passed on the donuts in favor of more traditional Spanish pastries. B did indulge in a coffee from this store, though. He said it was good but different from the coffee in the States. (I don't drink coffee, so I don't think I could correctly explain the difference.)
Next up: a fake European Disneyland. This place has to be ages old because the park was renamed to Disneyland Paris soon after it opened.
I've been to the real Disneyland Paris, and I can assure you that it's significantly awesomer than what you see below.
Have you ever had a conversation with your significant other that went something like this:
You: I could really go for Japanese food tonight.
S.O.: Oh, that's too bad, because I'm really in the mood for Argentine (Argentinean?) food.
You: If only there were a restaurant that combined them both...
If such a conversation has taken place, you're in luck! Head to Barcelona and check out the restaurant below, which specializes in food from two continents! And if you go, please let me know how it is--I was not in the mood for either type of food on the day that we passed by.
One more food pic. If you're wondering why-oh-why don't chip companies make meat-flavored potato chips, then you might consider making a trip to Spain. We found these jamon-flavored chips in a vending machine at a Metro station. B worked up the courage to buy them the next day at the airport, and they weren't disgusting at all, if you could get past the giant pig part on the front of the bag. They were kind of smokey, actually. If I went to Spain again, I'd definitely consider trying them again. 
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