My stats for February are pathetic. I'll never reach 150 posts for 2009 at this rate! Unless I post lots of mini updates, but that's generally not my style. It's not so much a preference for quality over quantity; such a stance might imply that I think more highly of my words than I ought to. It's more that when I have something to say, I'm unable to say it in just a few words. Thanks for indulging my verbosity.
I've had some computer issues lately, prompting me to reconsider my decision to put off indefinitely the acquisition of another computer. You might recall that I contemplated buying a Mac. I'm not sure if I'm ready to be such a rebel, though. I actually like Microsoft, and I know how to use their products. And my needs are simple.
First, I need to be able to type, make my text look as I expect, and share it with others (a potential issue with Mac software). I also need to be able to work with photos, but in an unsophisticated way. I have a point-and-shoot camera, and I use point-and-shoot-esque photo-editing software (currently Picasa, which is free and perfectly acceptable). And I need to be able to use the internet because life without online shopping is dull, dreary, and significantly overrated.
I'm not interested in buying a computer tower, though. They're all cables and dust and there's never a good place to store them and moving them is a pain because of, well, the cables and dust. I'm so over the days of towers, and I can't be trusted to buy another laptop, not until I do something about fixing the one that I already own.
I didn't think that any companies other than Apple made the computer-as-part-of-the-monitor-style computer until I was in a Sony store recently and saw the Vaio All-in-One PC. It's super-slick looking--somewhat Mac-like--and the prices are more reasonable than Mac prices for the lower-end models.
And--and this is the clincher--they make a model in pink.
This situation isn't like when I wanted to buy pink luggage and B questioned whether he would be taken seriously if he showed up at a client with a pink rollaboard. No one will see our pink computer other than us, and just think of the enjoyment that one can get from a pink computer! The joy would be endless! The pink would be sublime.
Of course, there will be no computer acquisition until we pay Uncle Sam, but maybe some time this summer, when stores will be offering lots of back-to-school sales on computer equipment. Until then, if you see a deal on a Vaio desktop (pink or otherwise, but preferably pink), please let me know.
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