Friday, July 11, 2008

You can get here from there

Here are the most entertaining search words that led people to the fabulousness of AOBTD, with links to the pages that they found. I apologize to all of the searchers because the results were, for the most part, either not related or not useful, but their searches are pretty funny.

short films about gang violence
And now we know that there is a market for such things.

upscale hangers for closets
Yes! Upgrade your hangers! I bought another box and am hooked. My entire house is going to be hanging from wooden hangers before long.

Farewell to Pleasure Island
Clearly, I am not the only one who is sad about the closing.

chi-poos sniff a lot
Say what? This is why we can't get a dog--who could handle excessive sniffing in a pet?

cookies for dinner
Rock on! This fabulous search showed up twice. I applaud people who think outside the meat-starch-veggie paradigm.

putting credit card number in e-mail
Don't do it, girl! Just pick up the darned phone.

how to kill any tree like plant
Just bring it to my house. It will be dead within days.

life alot can happen in 6 months
You can say that again, sister. But what a ride it is.

is 8x10 bedroom big enough
If you go on a cruise or happen to find yourself in prison, your accommodations will feel spacious.

post wedding irritability
It happens. Embrace it. Show him what he has to look forward to for the next 50 years.

Teutonic clothing
Dirndls and lederhosen?

girls with glases
The most embarassing part about this search is that the same typo appeared in the original post. I fixed it. I hope there aren't complaints about authenticity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yours are even funnier than mine! :)