Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Acupuncture, or, How much would you pay to be poked with needles?
A couple of my coworkers had tried it, enjoyed it, and promised it didn't hurt, and I had a few dollars remaining in my medical flex spending account (use it or lose it!), so I decided to give it a try. I didn't have any particular ailment that needed addressing but figured it would be useful for general stress relief and my occasional back pain. B is always up for new experiences and kindly agreed to come along.
Our health insurance company referred us to 3 acupuncturists in the area, and I called to find out pricing and opening hours. If you can get a discount with your health insurance, acupuncture is comparable to or even cheaper than most spa treatments. If you have a flex spending account, it's even more of a bargain. The first visit is a little pricier than subsequent visits, but it's also longer because they're getting to know you and your medical history.
I chose the acupuncturist who had Saturday hours and was able to book our appointments just a few days out--hooray! We arrived at the appointments stressed out because we were late and Ben had had a fight in the car with our Garmin (long story)--I knew that we'd be putting the acupuncturist to the test.
We filled out multi-page forms with our medical history and current ailments, and then the acupuncturist asked which of us had more complicated medical issues--we said that we were both straightforward, so she asked who talked more. B won, so he went first. I waited for about 20 minutes in the waiting room and then she came and got me and brought me into a room.
We talked about the form I had filled out, and then she gave me a johnnie to change into (I was hoping that the visit wouldn't involve changing clothes, though now that I've been through it, I can see how it's necessary) and left.
A few minutes later, she returned, and I confirmed that she disposes of needles after using them, and then she got started. I had a small moment of panic as I was lying face down on the table--one of those why-am-I-paying-for-this-experience moments. But I calmed myself, reminded myself that trying new experiences is good and worthwhile, and then I was ok.
She explained that I might feel a little pain when the needle went in, and if so, that was usually a sign that there was an issue with that particular area. However, the pain should go away, and if it doesn't, then she needs to adjust the placement. I didn't have any persistent pain, though.
I couldn't feel some of the needles as they went in, but others were more painful than I expected--not overwhelming pain, just momentary, I'm-being-pricked-with-a-pin pain. It went away almost as soon as it came, so it was bearable.
She put probably 20-25 (I should have counted...) needles in my neck, back, hands, and ankles, and then said that I should relax and try not to move, and she'd be back in 20 minutes.
I couldn't really feel the needles--it was a strange experience, knowing that my back looked like a pincushion but I had no physical awareness of the needles being in me. I did feel a little like I was floating for a few minutes early on--that was cool. The coolness faded as more and more time went by--she didn't come back for 40 minutes, probably. Twenty minutes would have been preferable--I was getting fidgety, and fidgeting is not conducive to relaxing. Maybe during regular appointments, it's closer to 20 minutes.
When she came back, she removed the needles (no pain at all) and then gave me a 10-15-minute massage (not typically part of acupuncture--it was a great bonus). Then I turned over and she put needles on my feet, ankles, hands, arms, ears, and forehead, and then she left (again promising a 20-minute return). I think she was gone closer to 30 minutes this time, but I didn't mind the extra time since I was more comfortable lying on my back.
This time, I didn't have the floating sensation, but when I closed my eyes, instead of seeing black, I saw black and purple, almost like a black light. The room was dark because she had turned out the lights, and the purple went away as time went by. I have no explanation for this phenomenon but perhaps it was because I was lying on my stomach for so long.
She came back, took out the needles, and I was finished and free to get dressed.
I'm sure it was a combination of the acupuncture and massage, but I felt incredibly relaxed and pretty sleepy afterwards, and my neck muscles that had been clenched for days were finally relaxed. I took a long nap that afternoon and was still tired at my usual bedtime, so if you go, plan some free time afterwards to catch up on sleep.
Overall, I was pleased with my acupuncture session, though if I go again, I will be sure to ask for clear expectations about how long I will be waiting for her return. If you don't have any needle phobias and can find a place with reasonable prices, I recommend giving it a try, if only to have a new experience, and maybe to help with an ailment that has been bothering you.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
No hablo Catalon. :(
Before we went to Italy, we got an Italian-language CD to which we occasionally listened in the car (it put us to sleep--a dangerous side effect of a car activity--so our Italian was limited to greetings and useless pronouncements, such as "che una maquina!"). We have followed a similar path to prepare for Germany, though I'm hoping that B's German training during college will carry us through at least some of our interactions.
For our Spain trip, I thought--finally! A country where I can practice my Spanish skills and maybe even hold an entire conversation in Spanish. Perhaps that hope is too great, as I can speak but not understand Spanish (it throws everyone off because my accent is just good enough to make people think that I can keep up--they're always disappointed by my deer-in-the-headlights look whenever they respond with anything more than a few words). Nevertheless, I am better prepared for Spain than any other country that we've visited in Europe.
Or so I thought. As I was reading my Spain guide book, I learned that Barcelona, where we'll spend more than half our time, is actually part of Catalonia (the part that wants to secede from Spain), and its official language is Catalon. Catalon, while it has similarities to Spanish, is actually much closer to Italian. And Catalonians get angry--angry!--when people speak Spanish to them.
I'm having a "so much for all of those Spanish classes" moment (why did I never learn any Catalonian???), but I'm just going to have to do my best to communicate without offending anyone. If my woeful attempts at Spanish are met with sneers, I can always fall back upon my Ignorant American routine--I can ask if someone speaks English in many languages.
You can get here from there
what to do if your muffler falls off
dangers of an unattached muffler
Variations on this theme appear with frequency (almost as much as arts and crafts headboard searches--I always feel bad for people who type that search and end up here--my headboard post is woefully inadequate to use as a template for any project). However, my post is actually relevant here. Remember, everyone, and repeat after me: "If it falls off, you can keep going..."
sound of music tour salzburg
This one falls into the headboard category--my posting on this tour is not helpful because I have not yet taken the tour. Check back in a few weeks, and if I get around to describing my trip in more detail than the last trip, perhaps you will find out.
how is a coat supposed to fit
Don't worry if the sleeves aren't long enough--they are less likely to get dirty (that's what the sales people always tell me, anyway).
where can i play a game that involves gang violence
Prison is a dependable place to start.
can you avoid being served
Again, a search that appears with great frequency. What have you people done that you need all of this advice about avoiding being served with court papers? And how disappointing is it when you find out that the posting is actually about being served inedible foods in foreign countries?
teeth whitening glowing in dark teeth
I was using hyperbole, but perhaps someone wants to glow in the dark. Just think of how much you could reduce your annual glow stick budget.
duck tape heel shoe
Yes! I love hearing about creative shoe repair ideas, even when people call it "duck" tape. Quack-tastic.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
Everyone had to read her question aloud and offer an answer. As my classmates each took their turns with easy questions ("Where do you see yourself in five years?" "What's your favorite place on earth?"), I desperately searched the archives of my brain for any memory that hinted of spontaneity.
There were none. I'm not a spontaneous person.
"I'm not a spontaneous person," I announced after reading my question. "I don't do spontaneous things."
"That's something that you can work on, then!" the professor chirped.
I nodded agreeably while thinking to myself, why on earth would I want to be spontaneous? What value does a spur-of-the-moment decision bring that a carefully planned decision can't?
Ten years later, I don't think my professor would be impressed with my progress. Among my spontaneous activities I include shopping (afterwards, I am sometimes regretful, sometimes defiantly proud) and eating/buying dessert (late at night, I have been known to declare that I simply must have a piece of cake, and then off we go to try to find some). I just don't think my nature is to be spontaneous.
But now, if anyone asks again about the most spontaneous thing I've ever done, I have an answer. Tonight, within the last hour, I purchased plane tickets--spontaneously. Sort of spontaneously.
Last weekend, we saw a Rick Steves show on Spain, and B and I were of the same mind--we simply must go. The architecture in Barcelona was unlike anything I had ever seen, and my 6 years of Spanish classes included the occasional bit of of art and history, which meant that the numerous museum visits might not be as yawnish as usual for me.
We purchased Rick's Spain book earlier in the week, and I started scoping out dates. Mid-to-late April seemed like a good time to go--shoulder season, so the crowds would be thinner and prices would be softer, but the weather would be more temperate than our weather in New England.
Flights were as I expected, most ranging from $600 to $900. But when I checked today, there wasn't a single flight for less than $850. Perhaps I'm spoiled, but I don't like spending more then $550 to fly to Europe, and even that pricetag is high--it cuts into my souvenir budget.
And more complications ensued. B's travel has been cut significantly this year--yay!--but that means that we have fewer Starwood points to use for free hotels abroad. However, some offer a cash + points offer, where you pay a nominal fee in US dollars plus a sizeable number of points. However, cash + points weren't available at one of our hotels for the month of April. It was time to step back and figure out a new plan.
On a whim, I entered new dates into Kayak.com to scope out flights, and imagine my surprise when I found what I consider to be bargain flights to Europe--and one of them was even direct! The dates were earlier--March into April--but the flights were the right price, and the cash + points offer was available for most of the nights.
I ran excitedly to B and asked if he was ready to be spontaneous. I should note that B is not a spontaneous person, either, especially when it comes to travel, but he is excited about going to Spain and agreed to my crazy plan.
And so we're going to Spain next year, and I am officially spontaneous.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
All in the name of research
I had never seen the movie and had avoided it during its annual television airing, but I was ready to bite the bullet and commit to a three-hour movie for the sake of research. Rick recommended the tour even if you weren't a fan of the movie, but I didn't know if I could handle three hours of a "Doe, a Deer" sing-along if I couldn't stand the flick. It didn't occur to me that B and I would have different opinions of the movie.
But that's how it turned out. We decided to watch the movie over 2 nights, and after the first half, I realized that SOM was a movie that I could get down with. Unfortunately, B thought differently and was lacking enthusiasm for finishing the movie.
His complaints were valid. Very little plot development occurred during the first hour and a half, the behavior of the characters was unrealistic, and he didn't see anyone in the movie that he could relate to. I'm ok with unrealistic plots and characters, as long as guns and cigarettes aren't involved, and I liked the characters, even the freakishly orderly children.
I promised that the second half of the movie would feature more plot, history, and realistic behavior (the last bit didn't seem likely, but watching movies alone isn't as much fun) and was able to convince B to stay the course, and we finished the movie the next evening.
I loved the movie. B tolerated it, at best, but he agreed to take the tour in Salzburg anyway, even though he might be forced into singing "Sixteen, Going on Seventeen" on a rolling tour bus.
And so here it is, our itinerary.
Day 1: Fly to Munch.
Day 2: Land in Munich early in the morning. We'll have all day to sightsee, assuming jet lag doesn't get the best of us.
Day 3: Travel to Salzburg. Tour the sites, and visit the Christmas market.
Day 4: Take the Sound of Music tour and return to Munich.
Day 5: Take a day trip to Neuschwanstein.
Day 6: Take a day trip to Nurnberg, home of the largest Christmas market in Germany.
Day 7: Fly home.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
A spartan TV schedule
While we were in Italy, B and I didn't watch much television, but our TV time increased after we returned home, much to our dismay. Well, maybe only to my dismay.
After a weekend that featured what seemed like 12 hours of football watching (college, pro, and I think even some local high school games on the public access station), I realized that we had started using the television as a way to pass the time. We were being less and less choosy about the shows that we watched, and as a result, we were filling up our time together with a log of garbage (yes, I Love Money, and just about every other show on VH1--I'm talking about you).
We agreed to trying an experiment with the TV. We each chose several hours' worth of programming that we couldn't live without and agreed not to watch anything else. B chose the weekly Patriot's game, and I chose The Office and Gossip Girl.
For the first week, we were very good about sticking to our plan, though some college football did manage to sneak into the schedule. We're now in week 3 and have had some flagrant violations (House two nights ago, and Bones last night), but after spending 11-12 hours at work, it's tough to find motivation for anything besides dinner, TV, and sleep. I'm hoping we bouce back to our spartan TV schedule next week.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
But they're amazing!

Saturday, November 8, 2008
A mature woman's wardrobe
A couple months ago, Stacy London (of What Not To Wear fame) paid a visit to the morning show on Cosmo Radio, and she shared some interesting insight. A woman who was about my age called for fashion advice, and Stacy said that finding age-appropriate clothing is difficult when you're in your late 20s. The stores that you used to shop at are no longer appropriate, but you might not be ready to start browsing in the stores that you will shop at in your 30s.
I count Talbot's in this category and never even used to go in, but I found a coupon code online last week and decided to check out what they offer--and I realized that they're a great place to buy staples. Stacy said that as you approach your 30s, you need to make sure that the core of your wardrobe consists of staples with a few trendy pieces mixed in. Talbot's is one of those stores that offers good staples.
Yesterday my online search produced a navy Talbot's dress that would be pefect for dressy fall and winter occasions. I used my detective skills to track down the only remaining dress in my size in the state and then dragged B off in the rain to go buy it. It's during those emergency shopping situations (the store was due to close in an hour) that you really appreciate your Garmin.
Where can I find the non-Amazon tall size...
After I took responsibility for buying my own clothes, I discovered stores that catered to tall women--halleluja! Tall pants are usually just long enough for me to wear flats, though sometimes they require heels (or hemming, but heels are cheaper). However, I have recently met my match in a pair of long pants from Ann Taylor.
I've joked with people that I'd need a 37"+ inseam on my pants to be able to wear the 4" stillettos that I see some girls rocking, and where can you get women's pants with a 37" inseam. It's a hypothetical question because I have never encountered such a thing--until now.
The long pants that I recently received from an online order are so long that I can't wear them with my highest (3") heels--the pants drag on the ground. I'm not sure if I could wear them with 4" heels. Stilts might be required to keep these pants from dragging...
So now, for the first time in my life, I have to have my pants hemmed, and I'm not particularly happy about it, especially since the tailor I called quoted me a $20 price tag (since the pants are wide and cuffed). $20!! I have newfound sympathy for anyone who has to have every pair of pants that she buys hemmed.
I'm not going to pay someone to hem my pants, not if it's going to cost $20. The bargain for which I got the pants would be obliterated by this extra expense. It's time to break out the needle and thread and conquer my sewing fears.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
All we need is a tree
This year, we planned 2 European vacations during the latter part of the year. We finished about 2/3 of our Christmas shopping in Italy et al, but our upcoming trip to Germany is over a month away, so there's no way that we'll be able to finish all of our Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving.
But that's ok. We'll be in Germany and Austria for nearly a week, and a week that is entirely dedicated to shopping should give us plenty of time to finish.
Let me rephrase, in the likely event that B reads this posting. The week will, of course, not be devoted entirely to shopping. There will be historical walking tours and museum visits and all of that. But Munich itself has something like 12 different Christmas markets (with one devoted entirely to nativity scenes--amazing), and we're visiting several other cities to tour their markets as well (and, of course, their historical sites...).
So we won't be finished with all of our shopping until mid-December at the earliest, but today while waiting for the chimney inspector to arrive, we finished wrapping all of the gifts that we have bought. And now all we need is a tree...
Early November is probably too early to buy a Christmas tree, especially since we'll be out of the country for a week in early December. I suppose I'll have to make due with Christmas CDs in the stereo for now.